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Brighten Your Life with Professional Teeth Whitening

Do yellowing, stained, or dull teeth make you hesitate to smile around your family and friends? If so, your own dentist in Huron County can brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening. We offer in-office teeth whitening as well as professional take-home whitening systems.

Teeth can change color over time for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Eating foods with dark pigments.

  • Drinking coffee, wine, and other darkly colored drinks.

  • Aging.

  • Taking certain types of medication.

  • Smoking or using other tobacco products.

Whatever the reason for your discolored teeth, you can make an appointment with the dentist Huron County sees to help them smile brightly again!

 Before You Consider Over-the-Counter Options

While many over-the-counter teeth whitening options are generally less expensive, they can often create other problems. The way the chemicals are applied with many drugstore kits increases tooth sensitivity and can irritate the gums. Our professional methods use customized trays, so the bleaching gel is applied directly to your teeth, whitening your teeth without harsh side effects.

Take Professional Whitening Kits Home With You

Our office provides take-home whitening kits for our patients who would like to whiten their teeth from the comfort of their own homes. The kit consists of bleaching gel and customized trays that are easy to use. The trays are made for convenience and can be worn anytime you have a few extra minutes at home. You can have whiter and brighter teeth in just a few weeks without the side effect of sensitive teeth that often comes from over-the-counter whitening products. You can have a beautiful smile again before you know it! We care about your treatment process as well as your results! Your dentist in Huron County offers these professional kits to make your whitening experience comfortable as well as safe and effective!